FusionSilicon X1 Miner is an ASIC miner designed for Lyra2REv2 algorithm, specifically targeting MONA (Monacoin) . It delivers a maximum hashrate of 12.96Gh/s while consuming 1110W of power, resulting in an energy efficiency of 0.086j/Mh.
No, mining profitability is not guaranteed to stay the same over time. This FusionSilicon X1 Miner currently generates a daily profit of approximately $0.00, assuming an electricity cost of $0.00 per kWh.
However, this profit can fluctuate due to various factors such as global hashrate, network difficulty, block reward, and cryptocurrency exchange rates. Be prepared for potential changes in profitability based on these market dynamics.
The FusionSilicon X1 Miner has a hashrate of 12.96Gh/s for the Lyra2REv2 algorithm. Hashrates are only comparable between miners that use the same algorithm.
Yes, the FusionSilicon X1 Miner consumes 1110W per hour. Enter your local electricity price in the header preferences to see profitability calculations based on your actual electricity cost.
Electricity expenses are a significant factor in mining profitability. Higher electricity rates can reduce or even eliminate profits, which is why assessing local energy costs is crucial when determining if mining is viable. With higher electricity costs, investing in a highly efficient miner is even more important.
The lifespan of mining hardware depends on factors such as usage intensity, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, dust). Proper maintenance and ideal operating conditions can extend hardware longevity.